MP and editor of Reading the Riot Act: Reflections on the 2011 Urban Disorders in England on suburbia, the Famous Five, and the overlap between politics and academia
The author of The Cultural Revolution: A People's History 1962-1976 on dictators and survivors, Dostoevsky and Pushkin, and narrative, truth and fiction
The author of Speculative Blackness on Star Trek and race, fan fiction and graphic novels, and life-changing works by Alice Walker, Toni Morrison and Ray Bradbury
Dutch goddesses, the tragedy of the commons, Justin Trudeau¡¯s dad and putting what¡¯s left of the UK¡¯s family silver to good use: must-read academic titles
The medical anthropologist and editor of Metrics: What Counts in Global Health on New Orleans and Katrina, Naomi Klein and Dave Eggers, Ayn Rand and Ursula K. LeGuin
Sunil Khilnani, author of Incarnations: India in 50 Lives, on his wife Katherine Boo's worldwide success, the wisdom of C.L.R. James and R. G. Collingwood, and the 'deliciously bad ends' of Struwwelpeter
The political economist and author of Will Africa Feed China? on George Orwell, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and mountain-climbing, wine-drinking Tang Dynasty poets