Nightmares in the Dream Sanctuary: War and the Animated Film, by Donna Kornhaber Giulia Miller has mixed feelings about an ambitious but confusing analysis of animation¡¯s engagement with atrocity By Giulia Miller 28 January
Bitter Reckoning: Israel Tries Holocaust Survivors as Nazi Collaborators, by Dan Porat Giulia Miller is intrigued by a little-known episode in early Israeli history By Giulia Miller 5 December
The Italian Executioners: The Genocide of the Jews of Italy, by Simon Levis Sullam Ordinary citizens were far more complicit in the Holocaust than one society is prepared to admit, says Giulia Miller By Giulia Miller 1 November
Holocaust Memory in the Digital Age: Survivors¡¯ Stories and New Media Practices, by Jeffrey Shandler Giulia Miller praises a thought-provoking investigation into how we and future generations will research and remember genocide By Giulia Miller 14 December
Italian Psychology and Jewish Emigration under Fascism: From Florence to Jerusalem and New York, by Patrizia Guarnieri Giulia Miller on a study of anti-Semitism in the academy and the struggle of displaced scholars By Giulia Miller 28 January