On Getting Off: Sex and Philosophy, by Damon Young John Shand wonders to what extent deep thinking has a place in our erotic lives By John Shand 1 April
An Ethical Guidebook to the Zombie Apocalypse: How to Keep Your Brain without Losing Your Heart, by Bryan Hall John Shand has mixed feelings about a book using horror film scenarios to teach moral philosophy By John Shand 6 February
The Hum of the World: A Philosophy of Listening, by Lawrence Kramer John Shand wrestles with a difficult but intriguing account of the background noise that sets the stage for sound By John Shand 6 June
The Monarchy of Fear: A Philosopher Looks at Our Political Crisis, by Martha C. Nussbaum Book of the week: Not trusting fellow citizens to vote erodes the foundation of polity, writes John Shand By John Shand 9 August
Bergson: Thinking beyond the Human Condition, by Keith Ansell-Pearson John Shand welcomes a timely survey of the work of a newly fashionable philosopher By John Shand 15 February
One Another¡¯s Equals: The Basis of Human Equality, by Jeremy Waldron When considering what exactly makes one creature equal to another, John Shand finds that an animal¡¯s potential holds the key By John Shand 6 July
A Fragile Life: Accepting Our Vulnerability, by Todd May John Shand appreciates a study of how humans cope when life throws them a curve ball By John Shand 20 April