Universities must be forced to compete with alternative models If universities were mainstream businesses they would be in the category of bloated, oligopolistic conglomerates, says Timothy Devinney Timothy Devinney 3月 30日
这就是高等教育需要面对的危机吗? 蒂莫西 ? 德温尼(Timothy Devinney)和格雷厄姆·道林(Grahame Dowling)认为,新冠疫情大流行为大学提供了一个千载难逢的机会,将那些不起作用的策略抛在身后 Timothy Devinney 5月 14日
Brexodus: the world’s highly skilled have options other than the UK It’s not just EU nationals that universities should worry about losing, says Timothy Devinney, and a shrinking pound won’t help Timothy Devinney 11月 10日