
Impact Rankings 2024: table information

六月 12, 2024

A university’s final score in the overall table is calculated by combining its score in SDG 17 with its top three scores out of the remaining 16 Sustainable Development Goals. SDG 17 accounts for 22 per cent of the overall score, while the other SDGs each carry a weight of 26 per cent. This means that different universities are scored based on a different set of SDGs, depending on their focus.

The score from each SDG is scaled so that the highest score in each SDG in the overall calculation is 100 and the lowest score is 0. This is to adjust for minor differences in the scoring range in each SDG and to ensure that universities are treated equitably, whichever SDGs they have provided data for. It is these scaled scores that we use to determine which SDGs a university has performed most strongly in; they may not be the SDGs in which the university is ranked highest or has scored highest based on unscaled scores.

The individual SDG tables display an institution’s score for that SDG as well as its score in the overall Impact Rankings, if applicable.

View the full methodology for the overall Impact Rankings

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