
Top teachers honoured by HEA fellowship scheme

Fifty-five academics have been awarded fellowships worth ?10,000 by the 黑料吃瓜网 Academy.

七月 30, 2011

The National Teaching Fellowships recognise excellence in higher education teaching and support for learning.

The winners were chosen from more than 200 nominations submitted by higher education institutions across England, Northern Ireland and, for the first time, Wales.

Each will receive an award of ?10,000, which will be used for Fellows’ professional development in teaching and learning or aspects of pedagogy.

Disciplines including geography, law, music, sport, psychiatry, English, medicine and economics have been recognised by the awards.

Craig Mahoney, chief executive of the HEA, said: “I have been privileged to meet many National Teaching Fellows across the country and have been inspired by their work and achievements.

“Their commitment and expertise are an inspiration to academics and students alike across the sector.

“The dedication of the 55 new Fellows is to be applauded and provides further evidence of the high quality innovative practices that students paying fees will increasingly expect to experience in higher education.”

Six lecturers from Wales were successful in their nominations in its first year participating in the awards.

Cardiff University and the University of Wales Institute scooped two fellowships, while Swansea University and the University of Glamorgan each have one.

Jacqui Hare, deputy vice-chancellor at the University of Wales Institute Cardiff, and a member of the HEA advisory panel, said: “I am delighted that excellence in learning and teaching across Wales is being recognised through these awards.

“National Teaching Fellows lead the way in promoting innovative learning and teaching practices which benefit thousands of students every year. This is a great opportunity for institutions across Wales to celebrate excellence in teaching.”

The National Teaching Fellowship scheme is funded by the 黑料吃瓜网 Funding Council for England and its Welsh equivalent and the Department for Employment and Learning in Northern Ireland.

The new teaching Fellows will officially receive their awards at a ceremony in London on 5 October.


The 2011 National Teaching Fellows are:

? Peter Abrahams, professor of clinical anatomy, Warwick Medical School, University of Warwick

? Irene Anderson, reader in learning and teaching in health care practice, University of Hertfordshire

? Patricia Black, director of postgraduate studies and manager of School of Pharmacy, Keele University

? Robert Blackwood, lecturer and head of French, University of Liverpool

? Robert Bowie, senior lecturer in religious education, post graduate initial teacher education, Canterbury Christ Church University

? Isobel Braidman, senior lecturer, School of Medicine, University of Manchester

? Helen Bruce, honorary senior clinical lecturer, London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary, University of London

? Aidan Byrne, senior lecturer, School of Medicine, Swansea University

? Michael Clarke, director of research for School of Music, Humanities and Media, University of Huddersfield

? Claire Craig, senior lecturer in occupational therapy, Sheffield Hallam University

? Steven Curtis, senior lecturer in international relations, London Metropolitan University

? Will Curtis, principal lecturer in education in Faculty of Health and Life Science, De Montfort University

? Ruth Dineen, learning and teaching associate, University of Wales Institute, Cardiff

? Sue Dymoke, senior lecturer in education, University of Leicester

? Jo?lle Fanghanel, director of the Institute for Teaching, Innovation and Learning, University of West London

? Sarah Greer, head of law and criminology, University of Greenwich

? Jon Guest, principal lecturer in economics, Coventry University

? Jennifer Hill, associate head of department (research & scholarship), University of the West of England, Bristol

? Anthony Hilton, reader in microbiology and head of biology & biomedical science, Aston University

? Cath Holmstrom, lecturer in social work and director of student support, University of Sussex

? Robin Humphrey, lecturer and reader in social science research methods, Newcastle University

? Amanda Jefferies, leader in technology enhanced learning, University of Hertfordshire

? Jill Johnes, senior lecturer in economics, Lancaster University

? Paul Jones, director of architecture, School of the Built and Natural Environment, Northumbria University

? Tom Joyce, reader in biotribology, school of mechanical and systems engineering, Newcastle University

? Will Katene, subject leader of the Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) Physical Education Course, University of Exeter

? Richard Lance Keeble, professor of journalism, School of Journalism, University of Lincoln

? Roger Kneebone, professor of surgical education, Imperial College London

? Gary Lock, reader at department of mechanical engineering, University of Bath

? Martin Luck, associate professor of animal sciences, University of Nottingham

? Paul Maharg, professor of legal education, Northumbria Law School, University of Northumbria

? Jason MacVaugh, senior lecturer in human resource management, University of Gloucestershire

? Nigel McLoughlin, reader in creative writing, University of Gloucestershire

? Robert McSherry, professor of nursing and practice development, Teesside University

? Rosie Miles, senior lecturer in English, University of Wolverhampton

? Jean Murray, professor of education and research and knowledge exchange leader, Cass School of Education, University of East London

? Sarah Nixon, principal lecturer in sport development, Liverpool John Moores University

? Martin Oliver, reader in ICT in education, Institute of Education, University of London

? Julie Price, head of pro bono, Cardiff Law School, Cardiff University

? Susannah Quinsee, professor of learning and teaching development, City University London

? Gordon Ramsay, lecturer in drama and performance, University of Nottingham

? Caroline Reid, head of learning and teaching, Middlesex University

? Patsy Rodenburg, head of voice, Guildhall School of Music & Drama

? Andrew Russell, senior lecturer in anthropology, Durham University

? Mark Schofield, dean of teaching and learning development, Edge Hill University

? Ian Scott, head of academic development and practice, University of Worcester

? Heather Skinner, subject group leader for marketing and supply chain, Faculty of Business and Society, University of Glamorgan

? Susan Smith, principal lecturer in assessment, learning and teaching, Leeds Metropolitan University

? Kristyan Spelman Miller, dean of humanities and social sciences, University of Winchester

? Richard Tong, professor of sport and exercise science, University of Wales Institute, Cardiff

? Joanna Verran, professor of microbiology, Manchester Metropolitan University

? Andrew Walsh, academic librarian, University of Huddersfield

? Sh?n Wareing, dean of learning and teaching development, University of the Arts, London

? Carol Watts, reader in literature and poetics, Birkbeck, University of London

? Chris Webster, professor of urban planning and development, Cardiff University



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