
Video: what does good university teaching look like?

Top UK university lecturers give us their top teaching tips 

十月 5, 2017
lecturer, lecturing, teaching, lecture hall
Source: iStock

We asked some of the nominees for the 2016 Times 黑料吃瓜网 Most Innovative Teaching Award to give us their answers to the question “What does good university teaching look like?"

You can view the 2017 THE Awards shortlist here. THE will be hosting the inaugural Teaching Excellence Summit, in partnership with the University of Glasgow, in July 2018. Find out more here.

Speaking in the video: Charles Knight, associate director of Edge Hill University Business School; Julia Prest, reader, School of Modern Languages, University of St Andrews; Rebecca Bushell, academic manager – accounting, Faculty of Business and Society, University of South Wales; and Sara Wolfson, senior lecturer in the School of Humanities at Canterbury Christ Church University and winner of the 2016 THE Award for Most Innovative Teacher.

Extended interview with Sara Wolfson

Visit for more on the THE Awards.



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