SDG Impact

Powerful data and analytics to support success in sustainability

Integrate robust data analytics and AI-driven insights into your sustainability efforts. Our platforms empower institutions to make informed decisions and track progress towards THE¡¯s Impact Rankings and the UN¡¯s Sustainable Development Goals.

datapoints sdg impact dashboard


Impact rankings


DataLabs: SDG Impact AI


The Evidence Reviewer Module

The Evidence Reviewer uses AI-driven feedback to help you refine and elevate your SDG submissions, proving your contribution towards the SDG agenda, in line with THE¡¯s Impact Rankings 2025 methodology.


  • Improved Evidence Quality: Refine your evidence submissions, supporting higher relevance and accuracy.?
  • Actionable Insights: Use detailed feedback to guide improvements, making your submission process more transparent and informative.?
  • Efficiency: Reduces your submission workload by rapidly accelerating research and comparison.

Best Practice Guide Module

The Best Practice Guide provides access to a curated selection of top-performing examples of SDG practices, tailored to your region and needs.


  • Knowledge Sharing:?Learn from the best and drive a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement.
  • Time-Saving:?Streamline your process of finding relevant examples, saving time and effort.
  • Enhanced Implementation: Adapt actionable insights and strategies to improve SDG-related practices.

DataPoints: SDG Impact Dashboard


Access the data behind THE¡¯s Impact Rankings, and benchmark performance in sustainability across 2,150 universities worldwide.

THE¡¯s SDG Impact Dashboard is a comprehensive tool for evaluating institution¡¯s performance in THE¡¯s Impact Rankings, which are based on 220 indicators and 105 metrics, providing a clear view of universities¡¯ standing across all 17 SDGs.

This robust platform empowers informed decision-making and enhances your institution's impact on sustainability.

Empower strategic planning and rankings success with exclusive access to data, evidence review and best practise.

THE¡¯s SDG Impact Dashboard drivers understanding in best practice, best-in-class programmes and approaches to drive impactful SDG initiatives.

Features and benefits:

  • Access to evidence scoring and best practice examples
  • Benchmark performance domestically and internationally
  • Export the data for use in your own analysis or analytical tools
  • Save time with rapid analysis and reporting
  • Empower your performance in THE¡¯s Impact Rankings

Watch it in practice:


SDG impact

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