Study in Hungary

Hungary is an architectural treasure trove known for its striking scenery, sophisticated food and all 1,500 of its thermal water springs. Hungary's thriving nightlife and music festivals make the country a hugely popular place to be a student.

The country's capital and largest city, Budapest, is a thriving railway hub for the whole country and large parts of Eastern Europe, with frequent train connections from Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Budapest is aesthetically appealing, and hosts some of the country’s most well-known universities, including E?tv?s Loránd University, Corvinus University of Budapest and Budapest University of Technology and Economics.

Temperatures in Hungary vary from -20°C to 39°C throughout the year, and despite its small size, Hungary has numerous World Heritage Sites including the largest lake in Central Europe, Lake Balaton, and the largest natural grassland in Europe, Hortobágy. 

Debrecen is Hungary’s second-largest city and its cultural centre hosting the usual range of activities, including theatre, live music, nightclubs and its lively festivals, making it popular for students with a love of the arts.

Famous sons and daughters of Hungary include magician and escapologist Harry Houdini, inventor of the rubix cude, Ern? Rubik, and actress Eva Gabor. Blockbuster films including Die Hard 5 and World War Z, have been shot in Hungary.