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Musashino University

13, Japan
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Basic information and contact details for Musashino University


Musashino University is a university located in Ariake Koto, Tokyo. There is also a campus in the suburb of Nishitokyo. It was founded by Dr Junjiro Takakusu an internationally renowned Buddhist scholar. He was a firm advocate of women's education and their involvement in society.

The university was to be based on "Buddhist-based human education". This means that the university aims to provide students with understanding, emotion and will and to provide students with wisdom and the ability to think of others.

The university has expanded in size since it was first established and now has seven undergraduate faculties. These are the faculties of literature, the faculty of contemporary society, the faculty of human studies, the faculty of pharmacy, the faculty of nursing, the faculty of human studies and the faculty of global studies.

There is also a graduate department of human sciences and culture.

The university has its own scholarship system and financial support system.

There are two dormitories near the university: the Kodaira Men's Dormitory and the Kasai International Dormitory. The Kansai International Dormitory is open to Japanese students and foreign students.

There are about 50 official clubs and a large number of student groups for students to get involved in.

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